Ancient Apocalypse archaeology update 6: Is Poverty Point astronomically aligned?

In Ancient Apocalypse, Graham Hancock presents evidence of astronomical alignments for many archaeological sites, including the temples of Malta, various pyramid complexes, and for North American mound sites. Perhaps his most detailed discussion of astronomical alignment is about Poverty Point, a site in modern-day Louisiana that contains many large earthen mounds and a semi circle…

Ancient Apocalypse archaeology update 5: Does Göbekli Tepe only make sense as a time capsule from a lost ice age civilisation?

Göbekli Tepe is an early monumental site in modern Turkey. It dates back almost twelve thousand years. By any standard, Göbekli Tepe is a stunning place, built by a well-organized community full of highly skilled people who were doing things that probably had never been done before in the history of humanity. The were inventing…

Ancient Apocalypse archaeology update 4: Was the Bimini Road road built by a lost civilization?

In Ancient Apocalypse, Graham Hancock revisits the Bimini Road, an impressive coastal stone structure in the Bahamas islands, just off Florida. The structure has been a favourite of Atlantis theorists for a long time, and Hancock uses it as part of his evidence that there was a now lost technologically advanced civilisation during the last…

Ancient Apocalypse archaeology update 2: Are there underground chambers at Gunung Padang?

In Ancient Apocalypse (see part 1 of my discussion), Graham Hancock takes us to Indonesia, to Gunung Padang, a very large, very impressive hilltop structure, built a very long time ago. He argues that the standard archaeological interpretation of the site is wrong, that it has massive underground chambers, like some of the pyramids of…